builders in portugal

Irrigation systems

The long, hot, dry summers of the Mediterranean, while enjoyable, can be a headache for garden owners. After several months without rain, your garden can quickly start to suffer. Maintaining it can become very time-consuming and costly. The best way to deal with this is by investing in a professional irrigation system.

Automated sprinkler systems can be set to work on a timer, saving you extensive labour and time, thus ensuring your plants always get enough water.

Pop up lawn sprinkler

Pop up lawn sprinkler

Sprinkler systems.

We can recommend and install the correct sprinkler system for your garden. This can include timers and rain sensors that turn automated sprinklers off when it rains. With a professional sprinkler system in place, you can simply relax and enjoy your beautiful garden, all year round!


Drip line systems for flower borders and garden beds

Flower borders and garden beds are usually irrigated by discreetly placed drip line systems. They disperse the water straight to where it’s needed: the plant’s root. These systems help to eliminate wastage, maintain leaf quality, and reduce weed growth by keeping water where it is needed most. They are also a practical way to hydrate plants on slopes and more inaccessible areas.

When is the best time to irrigate?

With water becoming an ever increasingly precious resource, we all have a moral obligation to conserve as much as possible. Early mornings are usually the best time to irrigate, as it hydrates plants before the heat of the day. Temperatures are lower and there is generally less wind, resulting in less evaporation.